Reading and Literacy
Read well, Write well, Speak well
Our intent is to promote reading for attainment, engagement, enrichment and intervention.
Children arrive at Ellesmere with a wide range of reading abilities. Many arrive to us reading well above their chronological reading ages, with other students in need of additional support to access the full curriculum and fully flourish. We encourage reading for pleasure, curiosity, to widen students cultural capital and academic development. In order to provide equitable access to the curriculum, we strive to provide targeted additional reading & reading recovery provision where students have fallen short of age related expectation.
- Our strategies are based upon research based evidence & key recommendations related to reading, writing, talk, vocabulary development and supporting reading at all levels.
- We recognise that reading is the gateway to a child’s future, that lockdown, for some, has widened gaps & therefore a targeted reading & reading recovery programme remains a key priority.
- We take the lead from research including Reading: the next steps [DfE (2015) & Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools EEF
- We recognise that literacy skills are both general and subject specific, emphasising the value of supporting teachers in every subject to teach students how to read, write and communicate effectively in their subjects.
Strategic aims
- Attainment: To support all students to work towards or exceed chronological reading age.
- Engagement: Reading is to be at the heart of the main curriculum plan in English and prioritised across the school in other subject areas. We understand that some students do not have the opportunity to develop a love of reading at home and aim for this to be taught and encouraged at school. The development of reading is prioritised so that students can access the full curriculum offered to them.
- Enrichment: To ensure that a range of extra-curricular events offer reading and literary activities, and that opportunities are available for all to participate. To have an open, inviting library space and a school environment where reading is valued, celebrated, and enjoyed.
- Intervention: To test all students for gaps in their phonics knowledge when they start and to intervene to fill the gaps. To use other intervention to fill the gaps in reading skills that can delay progress with Accelerated Reader as well as to support students to feel positive about reading.
Three Wave approach to developing reading and disciplinary literacy
A tiered reading and literacy strategy is in place across the school. This strategy comprises three waves with specific actions for teachers, departments and senior leadership. This clarity ensures that reading is prioritised at all levels across the school, with a practical focus on quality first teaching.
Waves Overview (download full strategy below)
- Wave 1- All students: Whole School Disciplinary Literacy
- Wave 2- Accelerated Reader (Yr7/8/9), Forensic Reading (Yr10/11)
- Wave 3- Targeted Interventions at KS3 and 4, Including for students with SEND. Lexonik Leap/Advance/Rapid Plus