We adopt a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, of any kind, within our school. We continuously work hard as staff and students to educate ourselves further about bullying and non-bullying behaviour and work together, as a school community, to stamp it out.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
We have a number of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who work hard to tackle any incidents of bullying. Their role is to look out for bullying hotspots around school and make staff aware of these places. They also act as the bridge between staff and students. Any students who are aware of someone being bullied or being a bully, or students who feel they are being bullied can approach an ambassador who can then alert staff members.
If you have any concerns, there are a number of ways to get help
- Keep Kids Safe bullying reporting text service.
- Bullying report forms can be placed in the ‘bully box’.
- Speak to an Anti-Bully Ambassador.
- Speak to any member of staff.
To report an incidence of bullying at Ellesmere Park High School, please complete the form below and a member of staff will be in touch as soon as possible.
Contact Form